How to Deal with a One-Sided Love Story?

One-Sided Love Story

One-Sided Love Story

We often talk about relationships with our friends who are really close to us, you would especially tell you, friend, that how you fell in love with that girl. However, the girl has no clue about what is going on inside of you.

Tell your feelings and accept answers “No” or “Yes”

Yes or No

The one thing you can always do is to tell her your feelings and let her know that you feel something for her, and if she ever accepts you then you both can go along or either she can reject you or maybe she can keep you on the friend zone list to not disappoint you by saying no to your proposal. At this point what you can do is simply make yourself clear if you want to be on her friend zone list or not, or else get away with it and move on to your next step towards life.

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Try to be Busy

Keep yourself busy at the workplace or anything that’s important to your life because it will help you forget most of the things and allow you to think new and fresh things in your mind.

Meet new people

Make yourself available to meet new people where ever it may be, whether it’s your work or you are traveling to a new place. It’s always a good feeling when you meet new people because new people mean new talks and new ideas.

Final Verdict

So, all in one, try to be a smart person and learn to love yourself first before you can even love someone else because you never know the right time. I believe there is no right time for anything; it is you who have to organize your own life and get to know more about yourself. Learn to accept the reality rather than the living in the false hopes.

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