Is SMS Dead or Marketers Missing the Mark ?


Marketers in India try to use every tool they know in order to reach customers. They also need to research the mode in which the customers like to be contacted. The market research came with the result that 74% of marketers use SMS while only 2% of customers prefer it. An online survey was conducted with 600 people that include customers, retailers, marketing professionals, and others in order to get the idea of the preferred marketing tools of the marketers and the expectations of the customers.

The research is being done in order to guide the marketers to adopt such strategies that help them to make better contact with their customers and serve them as said by Ashish Sinha, Country Head of Epsilon. He also said that marketers have to choose and adopt such strategies and technologies in order to make decisions as soon as possible. Since Indians are concerned about their privacy, so marketers have to take decisions while distinguishing between privacy and personalization. Marketers in India need to approach such people who are expert in collecting customer data and break them into various layers to improve ROMI (Return on Marketing Investment.

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Mobile users are increasing daily and marketers use SMS to promote the goods of their companies. Besides SMS, there are many messaging apps that help marketers to promote their goods. Marketers can send text messages along with images, animations and videos through these apps so there is a competition between simple text messages through SMS and graphical messages through apps.

SMS in India is more preferable as the apps run with the help of the internet while SMS can reach directly without the internet. Most Indians are still using featured phones, so SMS is still better for marketers to reach their customers. So it can be said that SMS promotion is still the better option in comparison to apps in India.

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