The Love Story of Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt

Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt

After long wait and guessing of the fans, Mahesh Bhatt in an interview has just confirmed that his daughter Alia Bhatt is dating the Bollywood macho Ranbir Kapoor. Indeed, both are in love with each other and are spending their maximum time together. Adding to his words Mahesh also mentioned that he also like the Ranbir Kapoor and thinks he is a “Great Guy”.

On Rumours of the marriage of both Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt floating online, Mahesh said that it is just on both of their decision that in which direction they take their relationship and marriage planning’s which can be done either by rituals or just a court marriage.

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Rishi Kapoor is undergoing some medical treatment at Sloan Kettering Hospital in New York and is there with his family for 1 week. Meanwhile, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will spend their Christmas and New Year’s Eve in the US along with Bhatt and Kapoor family.

Confirmation Awaited: Ranbir Kapoor and his family are yet to confirm Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt’s relationship. However, these lovebirds are spotted at many places including at their dance classes where they were in comfortable formal dresses. Alia Bhatt has also posted some pictures of her hand make Cake on Ranbir Kapoor’s birthday which also added worth to their relationship rumors.

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Excitement about Marriage: Fans are hoping that this marriage season of Bollywood will continue even in 2019, in which it is expected that Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt will tie a knot together. It can be presumed that the couple is waiting for the recovery of Bollywood giant Rishi Kapoor and after that, they are going to start a new life. Everyone in Kapoor’s family is passionate about Alia Bhatt and are waiting for her to be part of their family.

One thing that everyone has in mind that Alia Bhatt will work in industry after her marriage with Ranbir Kapoor as in past history of Kapoor’s family usually the daughter in laws have given up their carriers but this is not in the case of Alia Bhatt as she is ready to manage her married life and carrier alongside and will continue to entertain in the coming future.

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