Ram Sethu Added to Railway Map: A New Gift on the New Year

Dhanuskodi is one of the most important pilgrimages for the Hindu people residing across the world. It is considered to be the starting point of the Ram Setu. In the Hindu epic Ramayana, this bridge was mentioned. According to the epic, this bridge was meant when Lord Rama went ahead to rescue Sita from the grips of Ravana. Hence this bridge bears very much importance for the Hindus. Dhanuskodi situated at the southernmost tip of the Indian state Tamil Nadu used to be the southernmost railway station in India. In 1964 cyclone, the bridge and the rail track between Rameshwaram and Dhanuskodi got devastated.

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The new hope for Dhanuskodi

Since then, the town of Dhanuskodi was not attended by the Indian government and it is known as a ghost town of India as no humans are left there! But after a good 54 years, the Indian government is now considering this bridge to be remade. The tourists are nothing less but happy. The 17 km long rail track is going to be remade and the price for this project allotted is around 208 crores. The project will not get pushed anymore and it is said to be finished within the current financial year. The Indian government is taking up this project very seriously and hence it is said that tourists can pull their socks up as they are going to experience something amazing soon!

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The connection between India and Sri Lanka

There’s also another project is shelved! A railway track and road track was going to be built through the Pamban channel. This railway track is going to connect India with Sri Lanka! But this project got shelved as monetary problems and diplomatic tie-ups weren’t done at that moment. But now all the problems are solved and hence the 104-year-old structure over the sea is going to get a new counterpart of it and the project got an allotment of 249 crore Indian rupees. So this is going to be the diplomatic connection between two friendly nations; India and Sri Lanka! If everything goes according to the plans, then the establishment can be seen very soon and these countries will be connected through airplanes, roads, and railways as well!

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