Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi on Education and Upcoming Examinations

Prime Minister

Guardians ought not anticipate that children should satisfy their unfulfilled dreams: Modi

Guardians ought not treat the “report cards” of youngsters as their “visiting cards” or anticipate that them should satisfy their unfulfilled dreams, said Prime Minister Narendra Modi as he interfaced on Tuesday with around 2,000 understudies, educators and guardians in the second version of “pariksha pe charcha”.

He urged guardians to be a factor of inspiration and support for their youngsters.

“I would request parents, do not expect your children to fulfil your unfulfilled dreams. Every child has his or her own potential and strengths… It is important to understand these positives of every child. Parents often treat the report cards of their children as their visiting cards and that adds extra pressure on them which is very unreal and unhealthy,” he said.

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“Only when you take it in spirit and encourage your child a 60 per cent holder moves towards 70 or 80 per cent. If you only criticise and scold your child for not getting 90 per cent you will demotivate your child to start believing that they are incapable. This will take their grades further down towards 40 per cent,” the prime minister added.

Prime Minister Mr.Narendra Modi on Education and Upcoming Examinations Mid

With not exactly a month to go for the Class 10 and Class 12 examinations, Modi talked about approaches to deal with the test worry in the intelligent session at the Talkatora Stadium where understudies from the nation over inspired an opportunity to take an interest.

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“Our learning cannot be reduced to exams only. Our education must equip us to face various challenges of life as well. I sincerely believe that anything that challenges us, polishes us too. If there is nothing to test us, then we become complacent. There must always be something to challenge us,” he said.

“Compare yourself with your old record, you are your own competition, you break your records, you will never have the chance to drown in a trough of despair if you break your records yourself,” the PM acknowledged.

“Exams are important in life, but one should not be stressed by it. Ask yourselves if this is an exam of your life or is it just an exam for a particular grade like Class 10 or 12. Once you know the answer to this, your pressure will reduce,” he added.

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