Paypal Partners up with Gamban to reduce Problem Casino Gambling

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You might not usually associate the e-wallet company, PayPal, and the software brand Gamban. But, these two giants of industry are coming together. In a bid to help reduce problem gambling at online casinos. 

And today, we’re going to tell you everything you need to know about this exciting union. Including what these two brands do and how they are working together to promote responsible gambling. 

What is PayPal?

Chances are, you’ve heard of PayPal. One of the first e-wallets to go global, PayPal offers fast payments in a secure online environment. And in recent years, this payment platform has become very popular with casino players.

Setting up an account with PayPal is easy. Plus, it’s free. And after you get started, you can use PayPal to make transactions online with lots of different companies who offer PayPal as a payment method. 

In particular, online casinos favour PayPal. Because it has many benefits that players can enjoy. So, while there are plenty of other e-wallets on the market, none of them compare to the popularity of PayPal.

What is a PayPal casino?

As you can probably guess, a PayPal casino UK is simply an online casino site that accepts Paypal as a payment method. 

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As said, PayPal is very popular with casino players all over the world. This is because it offers a fast PayPal deposit time, as well as rapid withdrawals. 

Not to mention, you only need your username and password to make transactions. So this means that your sensitive info is always protected. Including your full name and bank/card details. And, to discover casino sites that accept Paypal payments, go to the gambling guide

Finally, being a global brand means that PayPal is available at casinos all over the world. And you can even make deposits and withdrawals in other currencies with your PayPal account. So this is great news for players who like to visit offshore sites where you can still play PayPal games outside the UK.

What is Gamban?

Gamban is a company who provides software that blocks access to gambling sites. Players who want to self-exclude themselves from gambling can install Gamban’s software to any device. This includes your laptop, PC, tablet and smartphone. 

Once installed, the player cannot access any gambling sites. So, you can stop yourself from being tempted by real-money casino operators and other forms of online gambling. 

Plus, other than blocking your access to gambling sites, you won’t notice the software. As it doesn’t interfere with your device in any other way. So you can think of Gamban as a kind of silent guardian angel! 

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In fact, Gambon claims to have a 99% success rate. And offers a similar service to Gamstop, the UK’s top self-exclusion program.  

Gamstop is a UK-run scheme. Therefore, it only restricts people from signing up to gambling sites within the UK. Which isn’t as effective as Gamban. However, Gamstop is free, whereas Gamban isn’t. So this also has a part to play in why people choose one self-exclusion program over another. 

Finally, most recently Gamban also announced that they have blocked trading platforms with their software. Because this type of trading activity is considered far too similar to gambling. 

Therefore, Gamban provides an extremely well-rounded service that many players benefit from. And it’s helped thousands of gamblers since its creation in 2015. 

How are PayPal and Gamban reducing problems at casinos?

So, you might be wondering what a payment provider and a software brand have in common. Well, the answer is simple. PayPal and Gamban have recognised that there are still a lot of people who struggle to gamble responsibly. So, these two companies, who are leaders in their own sectors, have joined forces to tackle the problem head-on. And the result is that PayPal casinos will use Gamban’s software to stop their customers from using its platform to make deposits and withdrawals at gambling sites. 

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While Gamban is extremely effective on its own, it can’t possibly block every avenue for a problem gambler. Therefore, these two brands have decided that two heads are better than ones, so to speak. And PayPal is now working with Gamban to stop players from making payments via their PayPal account to any real-money sites. 

So, by blocking payments coming out of PayPal, as well as having Gamban installed on your device, players have a far better chance at beating their addiction permanently.  

Furthermore, Gamban itself also recommends joining up to Gamstop as well. So that players get all the help they could possibly need to help kick their habit. 

To sum up, this isn’t a competition between casinos or payment providers. It’s more a case of big-name brands showing some social responsibility. And coming together to try and help more of their customers to gamble responsibly.

However, we’re not quite sure what this means for PayPal casino sites. We’re certain PayPal wouldn’t just stop offering its services, when it’s so popular with casino players. 

But, it seems we’ll just have to watch this space.

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