What is the Big Data Strategy?

Big Data

There is probably no company today for which the data would be of no value. On the contrary, today, it is an invaluable resource. Companies use data primarily to understand the customer, track inventory or make better decisions. Every year the amount of data grows. Many smart companies focus on the big data strategy to deal with its collection, organization, and effective use. What is it, and how to build a big data strategy? You will learn about it from our article.

Big data and big data strategy

Today, companies collect more and more data to use and gain new insights. All this to get an advantage over the competition. Developing a big data strategy is one way to do it successfully. Big data strategy describes how a company collects, stores, manages, shares, and uses data. It defines a set of steps an organization should follow to become a data-driven enterprise.

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To effectively use the collected data, companies should develop an appropriate big data strategy. However, companies easily give up this step and go straight to investing in analytics and new technologies. This is a mistake. After all, you need to know what your company needs. Therefore, you need a big data strategy to be able to take full advantage of this huge amount of collected data.

In short, the big data strategy is a document that defines what kind of data the company will need to achieve its specific goals. Moreover, it explains how they will be used in practice.

So, let’s look at 4 steps to build an effective big data strategy.

4 Steps to build the big data strategy


Defining business goals is the first step that every entrepreneur should take if he wants to build an effective big data strategy. Since every business is different, it has other goals as well. So, there is no one-size-fits-all answer that will suit every organization. That’s why choosing a strategy that resonates with your business goals is important. In addition, it should also take into account business problems and performance indicators.

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This stage includes:

  • Assessment of current business processes,
  • Identification of data sources and technological resources
  • Assessment of the company’s capabilities.

Big data includes a large variety of data. That is why it is so important to identify where and in what formats your data is located. Then you will be able to match the data sources with the goals you defined in step 1.


Your task in step 3 is to develop use cases that will meet the business goals defined in step one. Well-defined Use Cases help companies define how they can leverage Big Data solutions to meet their business goals. Next, you should identify which use case has the greater impact on your business.


After you have defined goals, identified data sources, and identified use cases, you need to plan how you will achieve this. And it is the data strategy roadmap that determines how you plan to achieve your ultimate goal.

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The final and most crucial step in the process of building a big data strategy is creating a big data roadmap. The process of completing this last step takes a great deal of time.

The big data roadmap is just an outline. So, if you find that something is not meeting your expectations or if your surroundings have changed, you will be able to readjust your plans. Make sure your plans contain specific information:

  • Who is responsible for the goal
  • What technology and process they intend to use
  • How much it will cost
  • How long it will take

Conclusion: Take a step towards a good big data strategy

Big data strategy means planning. This planning is done by defining goals, identifying the data source, setting priorities, and creating a big data roadmap. For a strategy to be effective, it must be flexible and thoughtful. A good strategy will help your company use resources more efficiently, gain valuable business analysis, and make better decisions. So it’s not worth giving up on building it. Learn more about Big Data Consulting here: https://addepto.com/big-data-consulting-services/

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