Collect Details Information About The Primary Memory And Its Types

Primary memory

In the computer, memory is the most important part; without memory, the computer never works because we fail to store any data in the device. Memory needs in the computer to store data as well as instruction, and at present, this article deals with the primary memory from the below words.

By today, you can learn in detail about what primary memory is and what the common type of primary memory.

It is one of the old articles that we have to know the major information about computer memory. To gather detailed information, you must go with the article below, which provides an understanding of the basics of computer memory at all times.

What is primary memory?

 It is the main memory of a laptop and computer device that is attached to the CPU in the part of the motherboard. The data needed for CPU processing is stored in the primary memory and has some internal memory called main memory. Also, you can save that it is primary memory too. 

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The overall storage capacity of primary memory is much low and smaller when compared with secondary memory. Finding data takes much less time, which is faster than secondary memory.

It is one of the volatile memories from the different data, accessed much quicker. It is data in the part of the primary memory that remains long as the computer is turned on. This computer is turned off, and it is stored in the part of the primary memory, which gets destroyed.

Two types of Primary memory?

When you come to the primary memory, it has two such RAM and ROM.


Is a hardware device installed in the part of the motherboard of the device and internal memory let the CPU store program and data obtained from the program process? It is commonly used for reading and writing data in memory. Volatile memory is temporarily stored in the RAM, and data stored in RAM get lost if the power supply to the PC is off-stage.

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RAM out in the form of the chip, which is well mounted over the motherboard, or in the form of the chip on a small board linked to the motherboard. It is the device’s main memory, known as temporary memory. The CPU direclty accesses the main memory, and the performance of the device is based on the size and storage of the RAM.

Primary memory example

Let’s go with an example of the RAM, such as

  • Static RAM 
  • Dynamic RAM


ROM is a memory device that a computer manufactures to store data inside the chip permanently. It stores data and other files which can be read but do not have the right to change when you need

It is one of the Nonvolatile memories that stored data and instructions are not destroyed if the power is turned off or the system is turned off. ROM help to store the important instruction to start or booth the computer 

Each instruction needs to have a booth computer stored in ROM by the same company.

It lowers RAM, but the cost of the device is much cheaper than the RAM. 

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Data is stored permanently over the computer and another electronic device such as a smartphone, TV, and other AC. Primary memory is commonly used to save the firmware and is attached to the hardware part.

Primary memory example 

  • PROM 
  • AVROM 
  • EPROM 


 It was going with the help of the above details regarding Primary memory, which is easier clern your doubts. Then it helps to know about the example of RAM and ROM.

FAQs about Primary memory

What is primary memory?

Primary memory is considered as main memory and is well attached to the CPU in the part of Th computer motherboard. 

Each CPU processing data must be stored in a part of the primary memory. The part of the device’s internal memory is known as the main and primary memory.

What is primary memory, for example?

When you come to primary memory is divided into the two parts, such as RAM and ROM, RAM has examples such as static ram and dynamic RAM, and ROM has different examples.PROM, EPROM, EEROM, EEPROM, UVPROM

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