How To Check IOB (Indian Overseas Bank) With SMS Banking?

balance inquiry Indian Overseas Bank

IOB (Indian Overseas Bank) is a public sector bank, and it has over more than 500+ branches. Want to check your IOB (Indian Overseas Bank) balance with the use of SMS banking? Well, IOB (Indian Overseas Bank) is a qualified bank, and it has been serving a lot of customers for a long time now. But the central inquiry which the customers always have is how they can check their IOB (Indian Overseas Bank) with the help of an SMS. The task is simple then you can imagine, and you can check your balance right now through your phone.

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Why the balance inquiry system is used?

The customers registered with IOB (Indian Overseas Bank) can check their balance for the following reasons.

  • They can transfer the amount to someone that is left on their bank.
  • They want to know how much amount is left on the bank.
  • To check if they have received the money which has been sent to them or not.
  • To make sure that the cheque which has been submitted to them has been cleared or not.

How to check the bank balance with the use of SMS?

The customers have to type BAL <Account Name>” where <Account Name> is the name of your account in their mobile and then send it to 9551099007. To make sure that they receive the details regarding their minds, they have to send the SMS with the use of the registered phone number that they have got with the bank. The customers can even check their balance with the use of net baking. It can be done with the use of the id and password to log into the IOB online banking website. Once they have logged in, there are various things which they can do and ensure their bank balance as well.

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A common error which happens to the customers

If you are not checking your bank balance with the use of the registered phone number, then it can show an error. This means that you only have to send the SMS with the registered phone number with your bank. Only then you can find to know about your balance.

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